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Appelorchard, Eckelrade, South-Limburg, The NetherlandsAutumncolours in a beechforest (Fagus sylvatica). Goedenraad, South-Limburg, The NetherlandsAutumncolours in a beechforest (Fagus sylvatica). Goedenraad, South-Limburg, The NetherlandsCherry Blossom near Stokhem, Stokhem, South-Limburg, The NetherlandsCherry Blossom near Rijckholt, Rijkholt, South-Limburg, The NetherlandsCherry Blossom near Bemelen, Bemelen, South-Limburg, The NetherlandsOak tree (Quercus Robur), Stokhem, South-Limburg, The NetherlandsLarches, Molignon, Val d’Hérens, Valais, SwitserlandLarches, Molignon, Val d’Hérens, Valais, SwitserlandValère basilica, Sion, Valais, SwitserlandNear Ferpècle, Valais, SwitserlandNear Ferpècle view at Dent Blanche, Valais, SwitserlandArolla Glacier, Val d’ Arolla, Valais, Switserland