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Pinetree and Sanddune at Kootwijkerzand, Veluwe, The NetherlandsSanddune at Kootwijkerzand, Veluwe, The NetherlandsPinetree (Pinus sylvestris) at dawn,  Worth-Rhederheide, Veluwe, The NetherlandsBeechtrees (Fagus sylvatica), Beekhuizen, Veluwe, The NetherlandsWorth-Rhederheide, Veluwe, The NetherlandsBeechtrees (Fagus sylvatica), Beekhuizen, Veluwe, The NetherlandsCommon Twayblade (Listera Ovata), Wijlre, South-Limburg, The NetherlandsLady orchid (Orchis Purpurea), Wijlre, South-Limburg, The NetherlandsLesser butterfly-orchid (Platanthera Bifolia), Wijlre, South-Limburg, The NetherlandsLesser butterfly-orchid (Platanthera Bifolia), Wijlre, South-Limburg, The NetherlandsCommon spotted orchid (Dactylorhiza Fuchsii), Wijlre, South-Limburg, The NetherlandsCommon spotted orchid (Dactylorhiza Fuchsii), Wijlre, South-Limburg, The NetherlandsFragrant orchid (Gymnaderia Conopsea), Wijlre, South-Limburg, The Netherlands